Elements of GD_Jordie

1. Grid

        A graphic designer uses grids and guidelines to help align elements in relation with each other. Constantly using margins and columns creates a structure that unifies the document and makes it more efficient. The use of grids allow the designer to change the size of elements without having to randomly guess the placement. 

2. Pattern
        Patterns arise from the three basic forms which are: Isolated elements, linear elements, and the crisscrossing or interaction of the two. Any isolated form can be considered a dot. A stripe is considered a linear path. The two structure dots and stripes interact to make grids. The key element in patterns is repetition. Iconic Patterns are tridiagonal pattern structures that have been populated with images that have personal significance for the designers.

3. Point, Line, Plane

Building Blocks of Design:
       Point: A point marks a position  in space
       Line: A line is an infinite series of points
       Plane: A plane is a flat surface extending in height and width
Linear perspectives: Simulates optical distortions, making near objects appear large as far objects become small. 
Axonometric projections: Depict volume without making elements recede into space. Architects  often use this perspective in order to keep consistent scale across the page.

4.Rhythm and Balance
The two types of balance are symmetrical and asymmetrical. These type of balance can be achieved through the use of a variety of shapes. Rhythm is multiple layers of patterns working together

5. Hierarchy

Hierarchy is the order of importance of the content in graphic design. For example the table of contents page of a book typically has the title " Contents" big and centered at the top of the page to inform the reader what page they are looking at. On the left of the page it usually has the titles of major sections of the book on the left side of the page. The right side of the page usually as the page numbers on the same line as the section titles to help the viewers find what section they are looking for. The concept of hierarchy brings this page together in order to make it a function page for the viwer.

6. Modularity

Ever design is completed within a set limitations and restraints. Working within these constraints is the challenge behind design. A module is a fixed element used within a large system. An example is pixel on a clock forming the numbers. Pixels are the building block of images in technology that are restrained strict parameters. 
