Asia, Alexis_ logos

Some of the key elements that makes these logos work are that they are simple. we also noticed that they are one color, the color for the twitter logo is blue which helps ties in the thought of the sky. The bird represents the name the noise that birds make.

Same here simple icon logo. The reason for the bite taken out of the apple is to avoid confusion with other fruits such as a cherry or tomato. Also, computer terminology with “bite” and “byte” being homonyms, and the fact that a byte is the smallest unit of digital information, and thus the basis of computing.

Another icon logo with slight more detail.First featuring an extra “l”, a lowercase “a” and the tag line, “Best Thing That Ever Happened To A Chicken,” the logo has evolved over the years to the famous beak, eye and crest feathers that customers first saw in 2012 and still recognize today.

