AdvertisementDesign _AlexisLymus_ NickKelly

 Poster 1.

get the 50% off is an hierarchy. Color change ribbon add movement, and directs the viewers eye. There's repetition in the bullet points along with the check marks. There is color blocking between the bottom and top.

The white box with the kid seem odd, it blends into the background. The white text on yellow ribbon.

Poster 2.

We like the blue background. The text has slight hierarchy. 

The poster is busy. Too much happening. No alignment and spacing is weird is some places. The text box is hitting the edge. I dont like the logo is it odds. 

Poster 3

I like the you and the we. Hierarchy. Repetition and consistency. Theres a focal point, movement. Slight Alignment

Color Palette is not for a business. A lot going on. 

Poster 4

we like the drop shadow on the text. I like the shapes.

Color Palette is all over the place, no more consistency. The kid in the circles in the backgrounds face is cut off. Vertical text is mostly a no go. too crowded 

Poster 5

Modern, revelant, simple, there's a focal point , its clean and giving space to breathe 

There's not much we dont like 

Proster 6 

Center alignment , Everything cohesive, blends well, the font contrast. Hierarchy

If this posted somewhere it would not catch out eye

Poster 7

-looks great, the yellow is great contrast, centered text looks nice for a menu

-there's nothing I dont like. 
