Project 3_ Carolina Guerrero

Forrest Gump

Reference Pictures: 

Thumbnail Sketches:
    For my 15 sketches, I did a variety of scenes and elements from the movie while also combining some together. The main elements I have chosen are his bench, his famous running scenes, his suitcase, his new shoe and his old brace, and the box of chocolates which is in one of the most famous scenes in Forrest Gump. For some of my sketches, I applied multiple elements such as #7 which has the bench, chocolates, and his suitcase, while I focused on one simple element for the other sketches such as #6 which is just his bench. 
Feedback Assignment: 
*Blogger wouldn't let me change the orientation of the pictures even though they were upright when I took them. 

First Design:
    For my first design, I wanted to focus on the brace and leg sketch (#11). I created the shapes with the rectangle tool and the pen tool. I chose to do a beige/khaki color because he wears a khaki suit in the movie and I felt it tied it all together. Most of these elements in the actual movie are some shade of brown so I picked a lighter shade so that the leg, bench, suitcase, and boot all made sense in the color that was chosen. 

With the color limitations, I didn't think this design really delivered the message of the movie. Without the title, most people would not know what the pictogram represents. I decided to add some more elements from the movie to have better representation. For the suitcase, I used the round rectangle tool.

I still felt it needed something to tie it all together. I decided to just add the bench since that would be a big giveaway to what movie it is. I also changed the font of the text so that it wasn't too light with the color. This was my final design.
